Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Georgia Mesosthelioma Lawyers

Authorities banned asbestos for many years now. They found that it is the leading cause of a disease called Mesothelioma. This rare form of cancer affects the lining of some of the major organs such as the lungs and heart.This is caused by the fibers that you inhale when exposed to asbestos. It is particularly aggressive. At the onset, those who have it are only given from one to two years to live.
Most of the companies in Georgia who either installed this material or had it installed did so many years ago. Most of the time it takes decades for the symptoms to show up that you contracted the disease. When it comes time to receive compensation for this work-related disease, you are working with older companies who might have removed the material or are no longer at that location. For this reason, you need competent representation when it comes time to sue for damages.
Georgia is a particularly dangerous state for this disease because of its seaports. Shipments from other areas of the world arrived in Georgia and those included tons of asbestos. In addition, like many other parts of the country, Georgia has had companies who knew about the dangers of this product but chose to continue to use it anyway. Many of those companies continue to use it even today. Mesothelioma is such a rare form of cancer that it is difficult to diagnose. The symptoms do not show up for decades after exposure. For that reason, it is important to find a treatment center that specializes in the disease.
Georgia has set up some services where the person who has had exposure can contact specialists to get help. More than 500 deaths are attributed to asbestos related diseases to include Mesothelioma since the 1980 in Georgia. Many of the older houses in this state are insulated with asbestos containing products. In those days, it was considered to have very good insulating properties. The dangers were unknown. For this reason, just about anyone in the state might have been exposed. If you are in this category, you need good representation. The treatment for this disease is very costly.
Companies, who knowingly used this material and continue to use it today, need to compensate their employees for the exposure. They might be liable for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering they cause you. They are not going to do this voluntarily so you need a good lawyer to represent you.
Georgia has many law firms that specialize in the litigation involving Mesothelioma. Some of these firms have over 30 years experience at working with the Sokolove Law in getting you the information and compensation you need. Some firms can even file your claim outside the state of Georgia if it will benefit you. Make sure you select a firm that is knowledgeable and has a record of getting compensation for their clients. Then you can make living with this disease a bit more bearable.

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