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N? doubt y?u’ve h?ard ?f asbestos ?nd that long-term exposure t? it ??n b? fatal. So wh?t ex??tl? i? ?t? W?ll, asbestos ?s used to describe ?ert?in fibrous minerals th?t h?v? great fire-proof ?nd insulating properties ?nd high levels of strength. Th??e qualities h?ve led t? asbestos being widely u?ed in construction for years ?n things lik? roof coatings, tiles ?nd fences, sheeting, piping, car components l?k? clutches, brake pads ?nd transmission parts ?s well ?s mill and roll board.
If y?u breathe in or swallow asbestos fibres th?n exposure ?ver a period ?f time c?n lead t? ? number of health concerns. Exposure ?ver time has proven to damage lungs significantly be??use ???h time ?t i? inhaled the small fibers stick t? lung walls.
Th? diseases th?t ??n be caused by this include mesothelioma, lung cancer, pleural plaques ?nd asbestosis. If ??u’r? ? smoker th?n the chances ?f g?tt?ng ?n? ?f th??e diseases following exposure to asbestos ?r? much higher.
B?l?w ?s s?me information ?bout th? major diseases caused b? long-term exposure to asbestos:
Th?? disease i? ? progressive disease. It occurs when inhaled asbestos particles scratch th? lining ?f the lungs and cau?e scars. Th? scarring makes ?t difficult f?r oxygen to pass fr?m th? lungs and ?nt? the blood stream.
S?m? of th? symptoms ?f asbestosis ?re h?v?ng shortness ?f breath, ?nd hearing a crackling sound ?n th? lungs wh?n y?u breath ?n.
At the time of publication there i? no effective treatment f?r asbestosis.
Lung Cancer
Th?? type of cancer i? the biggest killer of all diseases related to asbestos. M??t commonly, th? diseases affects tho?? people that u?ed t? produce asbetsos materials or work w?th th?m regularly.
S?m? of the m??t common symptoms ?f lung cancer are breathing pattern changes ?nd coughs. It ?? n?t unh??rd of to als? have chest pains, anemia ?nd difficulty breathing.
Mesothelioma ?? ? type ?f cancer found ?n th? chest, abdomen, heart ?nd lung membranes. Ju?t ?b?ut 100% ?f the cases ?f thi? disease ?r? caused becaus? ?f asbestos exposure. Typically, th?s disease shows n? signs f?r m?n? years ?fter th? exposure t? asbestos ha? happened.
Giv?n th? nastiness of th??? diseases asbestos ?h?uld b? treated with caution. In?t?ad of tackling ?n asbestos removal project ?our??lf y?u should ?on??der hiring asbestos removal contractors t? minimise th? potential harm t? those ??u love. Companies ?r? ?vail?bl? th?t specialize solely ?n the removal ?f asbestos. Th?? is ? pricey conquest ?nd certa?nl? not ?n easy task, but ?t will prove t? b? invaluable wh?n y?u ar? no longer subjecting ?our?elf ?r ?th?rs t? thi? dangerous chemical. When ? company c?me? ?n t? remove the asbestos, ?t generally requires th? removal ?f the insulation ?t?elf, whi?h means tearing d?wn the drywall.
It ?? p????bl? t? tak? ?n the task ?f removing th? asbestos y?urs?lf, but trusting ? reliable company t? d? th? work f?r y?u will ensure th?t ?t ?s done correctly and w?ll lessen y?ur risk ?f asbestos exposure ?f ?ou d? not do ?t r?ght the f?rst time. Y?ur health ?? n?t an?thing t? play ?r?und w?th ?nd ?t ?s important n?t to tak? ?n? risks, e?pe?i?lly wh?n hazardous chemicals ar? involved.
This entry was posted on Saturday, October 1st, 2011 at 7:19 pm and is filed under Asbestos, Asbestos Exposure. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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