Asbestos cancer is a disease that develops in themesothelial cells where it is typically found in the body cavities and organs.This type of cancer can be located in areas such as the lungs, abdomen, and theheart. Asbestos cancer is usually caused by ones long exposure to the asbestosproduct. At times, asbestos cancer and asbestos disease occur because of thebreaking off of the tiny fibers from asbestos products. This usually happens when the asbestos products suddenly deteriorate and crumbles down which easesto dust. The asbestos tiny fibers are endured to airborne, and it can be easily inhaled by anyone at the time without even the person having ever had knowledgeof what has occurred. Asbestos is a fine product that have a high resistant tofire , chemical, heat also they do not conduct electricity that is the greatreason that most of the industries tend to use it.
Mostly asbestos tends to affect those people that areexposed to it on a daily basis. At times, most of the cancers are associatedwith asbestos exposure like the lung cancer. High exposure of the victim to theAsbestos, where the victim tends to feel inflammation which also leads todamage the Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Asbestos cancer usually makes the cell in thevictim’s body to be abnormal and quickly divides itself. Asbestos cancer isusually diagnosed by the X-ray or biopsy, image technology, and sometimes onecan use CT scan to check if there is any lining of pleural in the lungs; also,the peritoneal mesothelioma that commonly affect the lining of the abdomen, attimes it is difficult for one to know if he is exposed to the asbestos, butmostly the test is usually done after a long time to the expose victims due to the long span of the asbestos before showing out really signs to victims.
Symptoms for asbestos cancer
The asbestos symptoms are a little bit tricky because there do not usually appear until after about twenty to fifty years after exposure.
The most common symptoms include:
• Difficulty in breathing It is usually caused by the inability of the lungs to expand in a proper way due to the presence of the tumor in the pleural area. Breathing difficulty at times makes it to be difficult for one to sleep .
• Weight loss For ones inability to sleep tends to lead to someone loss of appetite.
• Abdominal or chest pains
• Swallowing difficult
• Appetite lose
• Insomnia
• The lungs, chest or the abdomen usually tend to have
fluids in them.
• Husky voice
• Fatigue
• Chronic cough
Treatment for asbestos cancer
The treatment of the asbestos is usually determined by the type of cancer and the extent of which it is at that particular time. These several techniques that doctors usually use are:
• Surgery The doctors tend to remove the affected part and those tissues that are located in that region.
• Chemotherapy It is where the doctor uses the anticancer drugs to try and reduce the cell cancer in thebody.
• Radiotherapy It is where their use the high-energy rays to stop cell cancer and shrink the tumor.
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